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Welcome to our blog and website! We are a fit couple that loves training and sharing everything we learn with those that want to experience a better quality of health and life!

Today's Workout - Weights

Today's Workout - Weights

Today’s Workout - Weights

3 Strikes & You’re Out
Power Cleans @ Increasing weight

For Quality Movement & Max Load

Increasing 10 pounds on the bar after 3 successful reps. After you fail or have form breakdown on 3 reps total you are done.

To perform this workout start with an empty bar and perform 3 power cleans with a focus on quality movement and form. Then add 10# to the bar and repeat. Continue this pattern until you are unsuccessful 3 times total. You may miss a lift then successfully complete the remaining reps at that level and continue on, however that still counts toward your 3 strikes.

Record your successful reps and strikes, as well as the highest load you were able to lift.

Today’s Workout - Monostructural Cardio & Gymnastics

Today’s Workout - Monostructural Cardio & Gymnastics